This ability makes line infantry an ideal unit to position near the center of your battles as they are not likely to break and will increase the confidence of less reliable troops. This is incredibly important as all infantry units are more prone to being broken and running from the field than simply destroyed.
Line infantry units even in the beginning of the game have a special ability that makes them resistant to morale shocks. Line infantry should be an important component of all armies because they feature good generalist stats which make them useful on every battlefield versus every type of opposing force. Line Infantry are the vanilla infantry force of Empire: Total War. Note that for most units the specific stats will change slightly as you progress technologically and based on what faction you are playing as. We have included a basic chart of representative stats for each of these types of infantry. While there are a huge number of specialized variations of units in the game, in general all infantry tends to conform to five types. Infantry should form the backbone of all your land based forces with the two other types of land based units, Cavalry and Artillery, filling more of a support role. Infantry is by far the most common unit type in Empire: Total War and is critical for all factions as it is the best suited type of unit for waging ground wars.