* IWR.esm is an extremely old and depreciated mod (last update to it was before the last two NV DLCs were released) - do not use. * You don't appear to have run your load order through, and there are no merged or bashed patches to speak of. It's normal for new mod users to go a little wild, but you need to approach things a little more conservatively or you're going to almost always end up with a lot of painful headaches - as will the folks trying to help you troubleshoot. * Try running FO4 Power Armors on a vanilla build first (on a new game) to be sure that it's just this mod causing the problem * I suggest no more than 110-120 plugins - the closer to 140, the more bullshit ensues. * As a rule of thumb, do not post bug reports unless you are below that threshold. * Over 140 plugins will cause unintended issues. * Such a glitch would have been found during testing and already fixed by now I'll try and summarise what I was going to say (cue bulletpoints): I'd written out 3 paragraphs of information in the text field to try and set you on track and then I accidentally pressed back (was using my phone) and I lost the whole darn thing. Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.espįO4 Power Armors - FNV Standard Edition.esp More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).espĬentered 3rd Person Camera - Unraised.esp